I deleted a tweet that many of you rightly pointed out was offensive. “I’ve read your responses and I hear you. “I deleted a tweet that many of you rightly pointed out was offensive,” she said in a Tuesday post alongside a screenshot of the now-infamous tweet. Do we just ignore the drab lesbian saladtypes bc cute gay kitchen boys? Is this revenge for all those years of the gay boy best friend? /PPOlQhrmCaĪmid the backlash, Rosin deleted the “careless” and “offensive” tweet and stressed that she has a “lot to learn”. So hulu #RightInFrontofMySalad gets an F- on the Bechdel test in a whole new way. When the gay porn I’m watching gets an F on the Bechdel test /dg1DcLR5hG The featured homosexuals never prepared béchamel even once
I fail the bechdel test because i don’t talk to anyoneįire island film did not pass the béchamel test. I was having a conversation with myself and failed the bechdel test 🙁
Other users, however, did what Twitter does best – turn literally anything into a joke.